viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008

Teacher’s basic skills for the use of technology.

Dear PPI teachers, the use of ICT requires the development of the following skills:

Searching for specific information, whether on the Internet or by other means. As the amount of information increases exponentially around the world, this will become a key skill for teachers.

Evaluating. With so much material available, teachers have to judge what is good or bad, reliable or accurate and what is useful as classroom material.

Creating. New technology allows us to process , reproduce and create new information for others.Teachers will need to learn how to publish information for a wider audience on the Web,and many will need to learn how to create a range of multimedia elements.
Integrating. Teachers will need to acquire the skill of taking new technology and integrating it into the rest of their teaching. Technology needs to be incorporated into the syllabi.
How do you think these skills are similar to the ones you have traditionally used?

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hi I am Humberto and this soud a little difficult to me. But I am sure that this is one of the most impoortant ways to improve our classes. I think that the ideas and activities are similar to the ones We had used but now We have to aplied them using COMPUTERS,MULTIMEDIA,ENCICLOMEDIA OR THE SMART BOARD. thanks for the blog.

Anónimo dijo...

hello teacher i think with the gloval change its important use the new technology for our classes and too to applied are very interesting. We need to use all information and aid possible to improve it.

Aurora dijo...


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