viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008

Teacher’s basic skills for the use of technology.

Dear PPI teachers, the use of ICT requires the development of the following skills:

Searching for specific information, whether on the Internet or by other means. As the amount of information increases exponentially around the world, this will become a key skill for teachers.

Evaluating. With so much material available, teachers have to judge what is good or bad, reliable or accurate and what is useful as classroom material.

Creating. New technology allows us to process , reproduce and create new information for others.Teachers will need to learn how to publish information for a wider audience on the Web,and many will need to learn how to create a range of multimedia elements.
Integrating. Teachers will need to acquire the skill of taking new technology and integrating it into the rest of their teaching. Technology needs to be incorporated into the syllabi.
How do you think these skills are similar to the ones you have traditionally used?

martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

Project Oriented Learning

It is a language teaching methodology that takes advantage of students' close environment. Teachers elicit learning through putting students in classroom situations that challenge them to interact and use the new language. That interaction is translated into projects in which learners face several experiences that trasnform their learning process.In every project, students are told to do the following:

  • To be connected with their learning, the environment and the project.
  • Identify the goals of the project and the times in which they have to be accomplished.
  • To work at their own rythm.
  • To be responsible for their work and learning

Have you ever presented your PPI learners with a project?
What do you think are the roles of a teacher for this method?

Give us your comments.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

Dear teacher.

We're very glad to establish virtual communication among the members of the PPI in the region.Through this means, we'll have the opportunity to discuss about interesting information related to the language teaching subject.

Every month you'll find a new topic to reflect on and express what you know or think about .

We hope this experience will enrich your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

PPI Jojutla's Regional Coordination.